The walrus and the carpenter, walked on a mile or so,
And then they rested on a rock,
Conveniently low,
And all the little oysters stood,
And walked in a row.
'The time has come' the walrus said,
'To talk of many things'
Of shoes ~~and ships ~~ and sealing wax ~~
Of cabbages ~~ and kings ~~
Ans why the sea is boiling hot ~~
And wheather pigs have wings '
Walrus felt sorry for the oysters he ate
But he ate more than what carpenter ate,
Well, carpenter ate what he could get,
or else he would have eaten more of what he got.
so.... which one is better? Carpenter or Walrus??
Ever felt like jumping down from a mountain (with a safety belt on) screaming I'M FREE at the top of your lungs? Well, welcome to my flimsy world cuz i do too.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
A song you'll never understand..
In winter, when the fields are white,
I sing this song for your delight,
In spring,when woods are getting green,
Mum, i'll try and tell you what I mean.
In summer, when the days are long,
Friends, perhaps you'll understand the song.
In autumn, when the leaves are brown,
Take a pen and ink and write it down.
"I sent a message to the fish,
I told them 'This is what I wish'
The fishes of the sea,
They sent an answer back to me.
The little fishes' answer was,
'We cannot do it, sire, because....
The wish you wished was my will"
I sing this song for your delight,
In spring,when woods are getting green,
Mum, i'll try and tell you what I mean.
In summer, when the days are long,
Friends, perhaps you'll understand the song.
In autumn, when the leaves are brown,
Take a pen and ink and write it down.
"I sent a message to the fish,
I told them 'This is what I wish'
The fishes of the sea,
They sent an answer back to me.
The little fishes' answer was,
'We cannot do it, sire, because....
The wish you wished was my will"
Sunday, April 26, 2009
wow, how do you guys(aiman, amalina,sharon and cat) get soo many ideas to blog about?
for amalina, aiman,sharon and cat....(ptsss.. yea sharon hw cum ur blog nt in my followers?)
anyway, back to the real point.... aiman ....WOW is the only word i could blurt right now. how do you manage to post sooo many of posts?? i can't even get 1 idea to write about..
amalina pula.. i didn't quite understand what you wrote about the octoman(choral speaking izit?)~is it one of the script or really happened?~ and you too, eventhough you didn't post as many as aiman, but i got to admit that you did beat the soul out of me when i saw the amount of posts on your blog.....
sharon... your blog is totally OUTRAGEOUS!!! well, the layout took quite some time to load but all the waiting was worth it.. it was..was...was...erm.... EQUISTIC.. and i realize how much you love your piano now... haha. relly creative but i don't relly know how did you manage all that though... (p.s. shen yee never tell me about her blog oso...)
Cat, eventhough you don't have a blog, i am sure you'll be one of them~i mean addicted in a good way~ i am pretty sure you are even fully planned what you are goting to write.. am i wright? sure i am... i just don't understand why you have to wait till Form 5?? is there any problem in starting now? well, maybe someday you'll change your mind.... just... maybe...
so, please you guys, or anyone pls pls pls put a rose in my vase. wheather it's a no or a yes. (the one at the side~to your right~)
anyway, back to the real point.... aiman ....WOW is the only word i could blurt right now. how do you manage to post sooo many of posts?? i can't even get 1 idea to write about..
amalina pula.. i didn't quite understand what you wrote about the octoman(choral speaking izit?)~is it one of the script or really happened?~ and you too, eventhough you didn't post as many as aiman, but i got to admit that you did beat the soul out of me when i saw the amount of posts on your blog.....
sharon... your blog is totally OUTRAGEOUS!!! well, the layout took quite some time to load but all the waiting was worth it.. it was..was...was...erm.... EQUISTIC.. and i realize how much you love your piano now... haha. relly creative but i don't relly know how did you manage all that though... (p.s. shen yee never tell me about her blog oso...)
Cat, eventhough you don't have a blog, i am sure you'll be one of them~i mean addicted in a good way~ i am pretty sure you are even fully planned what you are goting to write.. am i wright? sure i am... i just don't understand why you have to wait till Form 5?? is there any problem in starting now? well, maybe someday you'll change your mind.... just... maybe...
so, please you guys, or anyone pls pls pls put a rose in my vase. wheather it's a no or a yes. (the one at the side~to your right~)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I love my mum for what she did cuz, now I can stay up very late and i don’t feel lethargic
I was in a ‘I’m not listening to you’ motion when I finished my last lesson-science with Puan Masnira. She’s good, I love her!! My mind was completely elsewhere, the place I dreaded for now. How would I say it? Would I be murdered? Could I lie?- NO THAT’S DEFINITE.THE WORD LYING IS NOT IN MY DICTIONARY!!! Say it. Get it and move on. Full stop. But…. How? My mind was rattling on without pause in a telephone manner, asking questions whish the answers would be revealed very soon. Verrrry verrry soon. At least soon enough to make my stomach twist.. As I got up to say (Terima Kasih, Cikgu)~Thank You, teacher~, my legs were already weak on their knees. I knew from that very moment, I knew I couldn’t make it.
Now, I’m on my bus heading home. I’m pretty sure it’ll take at least 5-10 minutes to reach my house. And there…. The huge, painted in peach, double storey terrace house stood. Like nothing had happened. Nothing out of ordinary. If only it knew. No, of course it didn’t. but I do. Only me that is… And that’s enough to make me go mad.
I am now sitting under a tree, holding my textbooks close to my chest, thinking how is all this going to work out. Will it be disastrous? Or will it be even worse? Only GOD knows. T gathered all the courage that was left in me, got up to my feet and started walking. Walking towards the sparkling gate which will lead me to my doom. Ready to gobble anyone with a news like me.
I realize I can’t even get a gulp of fresh air. I’m growing breathless. Oh my god. My head is throbbing in pain as I drew one big, long breathe. I ignored it and fought my way to the bell. “DING DONG” ~a music is heard (in Tamil) ~ I walked into my house passing three cars parked in order at the garage.
The first face I met was the face I knew for 14 years, my maid. She asked me about the news. I answered. And this was her answer... "WHAT? Are you for real? That’s why, when people say, LISTEN. Don’t just mind your own business. This is what you deserve”. Well that surely didn’t go well; in fact it made me feel worse….
I am now eating some rice even though I know all the food wouldn’t go into the right food channel. I don’t mind. It’s far better to get choked ad die right now, rather than thinking what is going to happen. That would be just nice at a perfect timing especially like this one…
I feel like running away, but I don’t have anywhere to go. I might run and run for eternity but I don’t think I’ll reach somewhere any sooner than now. When I heard a click sound, I felt as though my soul was drifting away from me. Managing to stay put than leaving my body lifeless, it remained it’s position. Iand I hated it.
My mum is here. Talking to me. My whole body is sweating as I talk. “Did you get any results?” “erm…ya” “what is it?” “3Bs” “what??? SEJ , GEO and KH?? Are you for real?” “….” “This is what you get for not studying” “…..” “And your theory is? Burning the midnight oil at the eleventh hour?” “..…”(there's a lot of ugly scolding that i don't wanna write it down) my heartbeat was way out of normal stage. It was beating a thousand times per second. Well, deep inside of me, there is a voice telling “pheww… at last the news I dreaded came out to light!!!”
As I told you readers, (in my profile) the thing that scares the hell out of me is my mum’s scolding and I got a pretty hefty sum of that. Thank you very much. I’m very well grounded until PMR or maybe until I get all As in my coming exams. I have to stay up late to do my works..
Well, this is what I deserve though, I shall never forget this for the rest of my life. GENUINELY…. I love my mum for what she did cuz, now I can stay up very late and i don’t feel lethargic anymore. THANK YOU MUMMY!!! I LOVE YOU…
Now, I’m on my bus heading home. I’m pretty sure it’ll take at least 5-10 minutes to reach my house. And there…. The huge, painted in peach, double storey terrace house stood. Like nothing had happened. Nothing out of ordinary. If only it knew. No, of course it didn’t. but I do. Only me that is… And that’s enough to make me go mad.
I am now sitting under a tree, holding my textbooks close to my chest, thinking how is all this going to work out. Will it be disastrous? Or will it be even worse? Only GOD knows. T gathered all the courage that was left in me, got up to my feet and started walking. Walking towards the sparkling gate which will lead me to my doom. Ready to gobble anyone with a news like me.
I realize I can’t even get a gulp of fresh air. I’m growing breathless. Oh my god. My head is throbbing in pain as I drew one big, long breathe. I ignored it and fought my way to the bell. “DING DONG” ~a music is heard (in Tamil) ~ I walked into my house passing three cars parked in order at the garage.
The first face I met was the face I knew for 14 years, my maid. She asked me about the news. I answered. And this was her answer... "WHAT? Are you for real? That’s why, when people say, LISTEN. Don’t just mind your own business. This is what you deserve”. Well that surely didn’t go well; in fact it made me feel worse….
I am now eating some rice even though I know all the food wouldn’t go into the right food channel. I don’t mind. It’s far better to get choked ad die right now, rather than thinking what is going to happen. That would be just nice at a perfect timing especially like this one…
I feel like running away, but I don’t have anywhere to go. I might run and run for eternity but I don’t think I’ll reach somewhere any sooner than now. When I heard a click sound, I felt as though my soul was drifting away from me. Managing to stay put than leaving my body lifeless, it remained it’s position. Iand I hated it.
My mum is here. Talking to me. My whole body is sweating as I talk. “Did you get any results?” “erm…ya” “what is it?” “3Bs” “what??? SEJ , GEO and KH?? Are you for real?” “….” “This is what you get for not studying” “…..” “And your theory is? Burning the midnight oil at the eleventh hour?” “..…”(there's a lot of ugly scolding that i don't wanna write it down) my heartbeat was way out of normal stage. It was beating a thousand times per second. Well, deep inside of me, there is a voice telling “pheww… at last the news I dreaded came out to light!!!”
As I told you readers, (in my profile) the thing that scares the hell out of me is my mum’s scolding and I got a pretty hefty sum of that. Thank you very much. I’m very well grounded until PMR or maybe until I get all As in my coming exams. I have to stay up late to do my works..
Well, this is what I deserve though, I shall never forget this for the rest of my life. GENUINELY…. I love my mum for what she did cuz, now I can stay up very late and i don’t feel lethargic anymore. THANK YOU MUMMY!!! I LOVE YOU…
Monday, April 13, 2009
This is for a miserable friend who is suffering from a heartbreak!!(CAT LISTEN UP)
Look who's talking. Pot calling kettle black.. i m too suffering from a heartbreak.. Cat both of us are in the same boat.. we are always worrying about our friends, but our BFFs(best friend forever)??? NO
Yea .. do you hear readers? NO... well, i'm not going to tell what happened to my friend here, because that might just deepen the wound made. Hereby, me MOHANA PREESHA AND CATHERINE TAN XIN YEE would join our forces and make out a solution 4 each of our problems... cat, don't worry too much u might even have some strands of white hair later on.. and i don't wan to see my friend going white on her head... listen up...k?
i know you are relly suffering. i can see that in school whenever we meet.. but don't worry. be like me k?
i don't really show it to my BFF but she kinda knows i guess... anyway, thanks for reading readers. my wishes to all of you whom has a best friend, and the pith of it, don't let others steal them away from you...
This is for a miserable friend who is suffering from a heartbreak!!
Yea .. do you hear readers? NO... well, i'm not going to tell what happened to my friend here, because that might just deepen the wound made. Hereby, me MOHANA PREESHA AND CATHERINE TAN XIN YEE would join our forces and make out a solution 4 each of our problems... cat, don't worry too much u might even have some strands of white hair later on.. and i don't wan to see my friend going white on her head... listen up...k?
i know you are relly suffering. i can see that in school whenever we meet.. but don't worry. be like me k?
i don't really show it to my BFF but she kinda knows i guess... anyway, thanks for reading readers. my wishes to all of you whom has a best friend, and the pith of it, don't let others steal them away from you...
This is for a miserable friend who is suffering from a heartbreak!!
More and More Anagrams~~ COOL!!
Presbyterian = Best In Prayer
The Public Art Galleries = Large Picture Halls, I Bet
A Decimal Point = I'm a Dot in Place
The Earthquakes = That Queer Shake
Salman Rushdie = Read, Shun Islam
Barbie doll = Babe I'd roll
Student Information Processing Board = Computation Transgression Forbidden
Statue of Liberty = Built to Stay Free
Eleven plus two = Twelve plus one
Patrick Stewart = A Crap Trek Twist
Mel Gibson = Bong Smile
Admirer = Married
Indomitableness = Endless ambition
New York Times = Monkeys Write
David Letterman = Nerd Amid Late TV
Howard Stern = Retard Shown
Contradiction = Accord not in it
Debit card = Bad Credit
The Public Art Galleries = Large Picture Halls, I Bet
A Decimal Point = I'm a Dot in Place
The Earthquakes = That Queer Shake
Salman Rushdie = Read, Shun Islam
Barbie doll = Babe I'd roll
Student Information Processing Board = Computation Transgression Forbidden
Statue of Liberty = Built to Stay Free
Eleven plus two = Twelve plus one
Patrick Stewart = A Crap Trek Twist
Mel Gibson = Bong Smile
Admirer = Married
Indomitableness = Endless ambition
New York Times = Monkeys Write
David Letterman = Nerd Amid Late TV
Howard Stern = Retard Shown
Contradiction = Accord not in it
Debit card = Bad Credit
Anagrams!! -intresting
Dormitory = Dirty Room
Dictionary = Indicatory
Schoolmaster = The classroom
Elvis = Lives
Listen = Silent
Clint Eastwood = Old West Action
A Telephone Girl = Repeating "Hello"
Western Union = No Wire Unsent
The Country Side = No City Dust Here
Evangelist = Evil's Agent
Astronomers = Moon starers
The eyes = They see
The Cockroach = Cook, Catch Her
Desperation = A Rope Ends It
The Morse Code = Here Come Dots
Slot Machines = Cash Lost in'em
Conversation = Voices Rant On
Disraeli = I lead, Sir
Clothespins = So Let's Pinch
Mr. Mojo risin' = Jim Morrison
(from the Doors song, "L.A. Woman")
The Great New York Rapid Transit Tunnel = Giant Work in Street, PartlyUnderneath
Florence Nightingale = Nigel, Fetch an Iron Leg / Flit on Cheering Angel(Richard Stilgoe in "The Richard Stilgoe Letters")
MacDonalds = Clam and Sod
Darling I love you = Avoiding our yell
Butterfly = Flutter-by
Heavy Rain? = Hire a Navy!
Tom Cruise = So I'm Cuter
Animosity = Is No Amity
Mother-in-law = Woman Hitler
Funeral = Real Fun
A Domesticated Animal = Docile, as a Man Tamed it
The Railroad Train = Hi! I Rattle and Roar
The United States of America = Attaineth its cause, freedom
Christmas tree = Search, Set, Trim
A Gentleman = Elegant Man
Dictionary = Indicatory
Schoolmaster = The classroom
Elvis = Lives
Listen = Silent
Clint Eastwood = Old West Action
A Telephone Girl = Repeating "Hello"
Western Union = No Wire Unsent
The Country Side = No City Dust Here
Evangelist = Evil's Agent
Astronomers = Moon starers
The eyes = They see
The Cockroach = Cook, Catch Her
Desperation = A Rope Ends It
The Morse Code = Here Come Dots
Slot Machines = Cash Lost in'em
Conversation = Voices Rant On
Disraeli = I lead, Sir
Clothespins = So Let's Pinch
Mr. Mojo risin' = Jim Morrison
(from the Doors song, "L.A. Woman")
The Great New York Rapid Transit Tunnel = Giant Work in Street, PartlyUnderneath
Florence Nightingale = Nigel, Fetch an Iron Leg / Flit on Cheering Angel(Richard Stilgoe in "The Richard Stilgoe Letters")
MacDonalds = Clam and Sod
Darling I love you = Avoiding our yell
Butterfly = Flutter-by
Heavy Rain? = Hire a Navy!
Tom Cruise = So I'm Cuter
Animosity = Is No Amity
Mother-in-law = Woman Hitler
Funeral = Real Fun
A Domesticated Animal = Docile, as a Man Tamed it
The Railroad Train = Hi! I Rattle and Roar
The United States of America = Attaineth its cause, freedom
Christmas tree = Search, Set, Trim
A Gentleman = Elegant Man
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Lets just see how many teens are like me!!

Lets just see how many teenagers or could I say adolescences are obese these days?
I’m not saying all of you are fat or obese … just some of you.(hope you could realize it before it’s too late) I know I quite fat for my height but as I said, I am terrified of the numbers increasing day by day on my weighing scale!!
I planned to go on a scheduled diet and some regular workouts. Of course, I didn’t actually follow them but HEY! I’m trying my best. I eat an apple every morning (an apple a day keeps the doctor away) ~ but not my parents~ then I always plan to exercise in the evening but I haven’t started yet since my exams came budging in…
So, lets just see how many teens are like/going to be like me!!
If not now then when?
Enough! Enough! Two days of swaggering and worrying about my exams and how am I going to learn by heart all the brainless, dim-witted facts about history… Nevertheless I do like the past because it’s a like an anecdote. Do you know I have to memorize three bulky books?? Well, about geography, don’t ask… I even hate to spell the subject word… T.T
I’m in pain… not because my whole body is aching but because of studying till my eyes are crammed with bloodshot veins.
Haha just kidding. I know I am overreacting but that’s who I am. And one of my friend advised me not to be proud of myself, well, THANK YOU and I really do appreciate what he said and I did oppose, sometimes, in life you do have to be swollen with pride. If not now then when?
I’m in pain… not because my whole body is aching but because of studying till my eyes are crammed with bloodshot veins.
Haha just kidding. I know I am overreacting but that’s who I am. And one of my friend advised me not to be proud of myself, well, THANK YOU and I really do appreciate what he said and I did oppose, sometimes, in life you do have to be swollen with pride. If not now then when?
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Worm you out of it with an amicable solution!!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Do you know? Too much of thinking can not only make your hair grow white but also make you do silly things? Well, I did know…
The other day, I saw a guy wearing tattered pants walking around in front of my house. He was about our age too. I guess or maybe in his twenties…
As usual, I was sticking stickers on my KH project. (The kerja kayu). When I heard a horn, I rushed to the front gate to see the guy staring blankly (seriously he showed no expression) at my plants. I thought he might want something so I went to get my grandfather. My grandfathers ask me to just pay no heed to him. When I ask why he said that the guy comes to our house often to promote his company’s new furniture.
Why does he need to wear a dilapidated khaki pants and a denim jacket just to prop up things?
How many times has he come to my house?
What does he REALLY wants?
Is he a some kind of spy?
OH… OH… no no
He must be a thief.
AHH... Look I have two strands of white hair!!
No no… One of it is a gold hair... do you know every human on earth must have at least a gold hair? Or could I say blonde…
It’s just that sometimes it will be obvious... Sometimes it’ll hide itself. You have to just find out where it is!! Go good luck in searching them…
Ok this was what I did while I was pondering… I eat when I ponder, so I walked to the kitchen. I am obscure about what I was pondering about (but I was deep in thought). I pulled a banana and started eating it without even shedding the skin off. Fortuitously, I managed to stop myself from swallowing the skin.
My brother managed to utter “ Calamity Mohana” when he met me in the kitchen.
The other day, I saw a guy wearing tattered pants walking around in front of my house. He was about our age too. I guess or maybe in his twenties…
As usual, I was sticking stickers on my KH project. (The kerja kayu). When I heard a horn, I rushed to the front gate to see the guy staring blankly (seriously he showed no expression) at my plants. I thought he might want something so I went to get my grandfather. My grandfathers ask me to just pay no heed to him. When I ask why he said that the guy comes to our house often to promote his company’s new furniture.
Why does he need to wear a dilapidated khaki pants and a denim jacket just to prop up things?
How many times has he come to my house?
What does he REALLY wants?
Is he a some kind of spy?
OH… OH… no no
He must be a thief.
AHH... Look I have two strands of white hair!!
No no… One of it is a gold hair... do you know every human on earth must have at least a gold hair? Or could I say blonde…
It’s just that sometimes it will be obvious... Sometimes it’ll hide itself. You have to just find out where it is!! Go good luck in searching them…
Ok this was what I did while I was pondering… I eat when I ponder, so I walked to the kitchen. I am obscure about what I was pondering about (but I was deep in thought). I pulled a banana and started eating it without even shedding the skin off. Fortuitously, I managed to stop myself from swallowing the skin.
My brother managed to utter “ Calamity Mohana” when he met me in the kitchen.
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