Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Dream with syl, cat, amalin, Eve n Persad. Nice one or a nightmare?-your choice

I went to school one day.( i can't really remember when because it was a dream) there weren't many people at school. We (syl, cat, amalin ,persad, eve n me) were in Form 4 (if i am not mistaken). the rules were totally an outburst. we could break any rules!! example:- that very day, when were at school, we had our Pj's on! we went for sports in PJ's! Imagine. It was an eyesore, i agree, but there were noone else.

each of us had a classroom to ourselves. i remained in 3A5(yes. eventhough we're Form 4 we stayed in Form 3 block). catherine, if i am not mistaken was in 3A7. sylvia was in #a# but her classroom was beside mine.~ ( well ,what do you expect? it's a dream) ~ amalina and evelyn were in the same class- 3A4. this is the worst part, Persad was in (not sure waht the name was, but it sure creeped me out!) i think it's KOOOINE?~sorry persad!! i can't control my dreams, not my fault!~ dunno lar!

his classroom was painted black and filled with decayed body everywhere!! i think he was doing some kind of ceremony for the dead! haha...

we get to go for "perhimpunan pagi" whenever we want! so ,er ernt to the place in front of th cafeteria (remember?). there were no teacher, so we went to the library.... OK the library was different... i duno how to describe, so lets just forget it. we could even bring our own food!!

las t but not least, we never did study. my dream ended in a funny way here goes~" PREESHA!!!!! GET UP YOU HAVE TENNIS PRACTISE TODAY!!!!" ~


  1. u had all these in one single nap??

    one word, WOW

  2. it's not a nap laa wei, it's called sleeping throughout the night...
