Sunday, July 11, 2010


I know the title may sound bit harsh, but it’s my feeling right now, so, no offence everyone. There’s this guy, I don’t know what race he is, (that’s a good thing btw- cuz I’ll be criticizing starting from now). He originally added me on facebook. I thought he was some kind of friend and added him as well. I don’t really care whom I add to be honest. Then. Out of nowhere, he suddenly asked me to help him create a blog for him. Well, as a friend, what I normally do that is. I gave him guidelines. HELLO. I don’t have the whole world’s time to waste on ya see? So, just gave him guidelines and even volunteered him to LEARN from my blog. As you all can see, here.

But what that bastard did was, COPY EVERYTHING! From the blog’s name to the contents. Do you know how pissed off I am right now? I gave him a severe warning to change the whole thing or else I’m going to report abuse under the penalty of copyright. Ahha.. that’ll do the trick. I just sent him warnings and all, but that horny slut didn’t get my message. He seem to be in the midst of exams and didn’t reply my message, but in return he asked for something. (it’s kinda private so, I can’t mention here)..

HEY. IT’S MY BLOG. MY PROPERTY, NOT YOURS. WHO IN THE DAMNED RIGHT MIND WOULD SAY OKAY IF YOU COPIED EVERYTHING? FROM THE BLOG’S NAME TO ITS CONTENT???? And you’ re asking something in return? WTH. I’d rather say GO TO HELL than go according to your needs.

If you guys don’t believe me, here’s a link to the bastard’s blog. You can witness the truth yourself.

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